#1 - #12



毎週 金土日開催!

Special Panel Discussions

In the special panel discussions, we will invite speakers from various ages, nationalities, and industries, including students, artisans, government officials, and designers. They will share and disseminate visions for recovery, sustainable regional economies, and the future of traditional crafts, as well as their insights, thoughts, questions, and proposals. The discussions will be archived and introduced as graphic recordings at the venue. The talks, filled with fundamental questions and positive hints, are sure to provide fresh insights for thinking about the future.

Talk Event <終了>

#1: Talk





  • 河崎 圭吾 / 金沢美術工芸大学 デザイン科 インダストリアルデザイン専攻 教授


    NEC / NEC USA ,inc. 勤務。渡米中は研究員として Whipsaw Inc. に勤務。 シリコンバレーの動向調査や 北米をターゲットにした 商品開発に従事。2010 年より現職。産学協同研究の成果を AXIS galleryにて展示開催「 IoT のつくり方」(2017)「これからのエンターテイメント」(2018-2019)「Visionary Thinking」(2020-2024)受賞歴:「Roku Soundbridge Radio」CES Innovations ‘06 IF 賞。「Weather report」 IDEA 金賞。 「Plasma-X」 Gマーク金賞。 「SX-4」 Gマーク大賞。 「Voice Point」 IF 賞 NY 近代美術館パーマネントコレクション選定。 その他国内外の受賞歴多数。

  • 金沢美術工芸大学 ID大学院 1年(石川県珠洲市出身)

  • 金沢美術工芸大学 VD 4年(石川県能登町白丸出身)

  • プロダクトデザイナー。1976年兵庫県生まれ。1999年金沢美術工芸大学工業デザイン専攻卒業。国内大手家電メーカーにて工業デザイナーとして勤務の後、2008年に東京目黒に『JIN KURAMOTO STUDIO』を開設。プロジェクトのコンセプトやストーリーを明快な造形表現で伝えるアプローチで家具、家電製品、アイウェアから自動車まで多彩なジャンルのデザイン開発に携わる。素材や材料を直に触りながら機能や構造の試行錯誤を繰り返す実践的な開発プロセスを重視し、プロトタイピングが行われている自身の”スタジオ”は常にインスピレーションと発見に溢れている。

    iF Design Award、グッドデザイン賞、Red Dot Design Awardなど受賞多数。2023年よりグッドデザイン賞副審査委員長。

  • プロダクトデザイナー。1982年滋賀県生まれ。2005年金沢美術工芸大学製品デザイン専攻卒業。家電メーカーを経て、2015年に株式会社DESIGN FOR INDUSTRYを設立。関わる全ての人とともに分かち合える“喜び“を創り出すことを信条に、家具や日用品、伝統工芸から、家電、ロボティクス、先端技術研究開発、新素材開発など、幅広い領域で国内外の企業や自治体と協業。“心地よい革新“という視点のもと、デザイン/クリエイティブディレクションを行う。iF、Red Dot、German Design Award、グッドデザイン賞など受賞多数。金沢美術工芸大学非常勤講師。2023年度よりグッドデザイン賞審査委員。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 7 (Friday) 18:00 - 19:00

The Role of KANABI

Intergenerational Talk on Earthquakes and Education. Meeting of new and old at Kanazawa College of Art (KANABI).


  • Keigo Kawasaki, Professor of Industrial Design, Department of Design, Kanazawa College of Art

    Keigo Kawasaki was born in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, in 1963. He graduated from Kanazawa College of Art with a major in Industrial Design in 1987. He worked for NEC and NEC USA, Inc., and during his time in the United States, he served as a researcher at Whipsaw Inc., engaging in Silicon Valley trend analysis and product development targeting North America. He has held his current position since 2010. Kawasaki has showcased the results of collaborative research between industry and academia at AXIS Gallery in exhibitions such as "How to Create IoT" (2017), "The Future of Entertainment" (2018-2019), and "Visionary Thinking" (2020-2024). His awards include the CES Innovations '06 IF Award for "Roku Soundbridge Radio," the IDEA Gold Award for "Weather Report," the G-Mark Gold Award for "Plasma-X," the G-Mark Grand Prize for "SX-4," and the IF Award for "Voice Point," which was also selected for the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. He has received numerous other awards both domestically and internationally.

  • Kanazawa College of Art and Craft, Graduate student of ID, first year, from Suzu City, Ishikawa Prefecture

  • Kanazawa College of Art and Craft, VD 4th year student, from Shiramaru, Noto Town, Ishikawa Prefecture

  • Product designer. Jin Kuramoto is a Japanese designer who established JIN KURAMOTO STUDIO INC. in 2008. Born and raised on a small island in the countryside, he loves fishing and people a lot. He designs all kinds of product such as furniture, home appliances, house wares, and everyday items with his belief that the form of things all tell a different story. He values the process of repeat trial and error, touching materials, listening their voice, prototyping on a studio full of inspiration, and making positive accidents. His work has won a lot of international awards, including the Red Dot Award “ Best of the Best”, and the iF Product Design Award.

  • Product designer. Born in Shiga Prefecture in 1982, Daisuke Kitagawa graduated from Kanazawa College of Art in 2005. After working for a Japanese consumer electronics manufacture, he established DESIGN FOR INDUSTRY INC. in 2015. Based on the principle of creating "enrichment" that can be shared with everyone involved, he has been engaged in variety of fields, both at domestic and international, from furniture and daily necessities to traditional crafts, home appliances, robotics, advanced technology R&D, new material R&D, business development, and city branding. He always provides design and creative direction from the perspective of "comfortable innovation." He has won many awards, including the iF, Red Dot, and German Design Award. He is a part-time lecturer at Kanazawa College of Art. He has been a jury member of the Good Design Award since 2023.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

Kanazawa College of Art


Talk Event <終了>

#2: Talk





  • 1991年 東京大学法学部卒業
    1997年 デューク大学法学院修士課程修了(LL. M.)
    1998年 シカゴ大学法学院修士課程修了(LL. M.)
    1991年 通商産業省入省(機械情報産業局、貿易局、商務流通G、経済企画庁物価局等)
    1998年 生物化学産業課課長補佐
    1999年 大臣官房地方課課長補佐
    2001年 産業組織課課長補佐
    2003年 財団法人 世界平和研究所 主任研究員
    2008年 経済産業研究所 上席研究員
    2010年 通商産業政策史編纂ディレクター
    2011年 研究コーディネーター(政策史担当)
    2011年 公益財団法人 世界平和研究所 客員研究員
    2012年 貿易経済協力局貿易管理部 安全保障貿易管理課 安全保障貿易国際室長
    2014年 製造産業局 ものづくり政策審議室長(兼)政策企画官
    2015年 商務情報政策局 クリエイティブ産業課長、デザイン政策室長、ファッション政策室長
    2017年 中小企業庁 小規模企業振興課長
    2019年 経済産業省 特許庁審査業務部長(兼)中小企業知財戦略支援総合調整官(兼)CDO補佐官(デザイン経営プロジェクト)
    2021年 経済産業研究所上席研究
    2022年 現職

  • 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 常務理事 。





  • 東京生まれ、オランダ国籍の意識は「世界市民」。

    東京を拠点にプロデューサー兼テレビ・ラジオプレゼンターを勤めながら、文化のクロスカルチャーをテーマにデザイン、音楽、ファッション、アート、テクノロジーにまつわるコンテンツを国境を超えて紹介することがミッション。制作の裏方も行う一方、NHK、NHK国際放送、ETVなどで文化情報番組(エルムンド)、料理番組(きょうの料理)やデザインに特化した長寿番組「DESIGN TALKS PLUS」のメインホストを担当(2023年から名前をリニューアルし「DESIGN x STORIES」)、


    2020年12月には、オンラインラジオ局 WAH RADIOを立ち上げ、日本の文化と価値観を音楽やトークを通して世界の文化とつなげるプロジェクトをスタート。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 8 (Saturday) 17:00 - 18:00 

Designing Reconstruction

Connecting Economy with Social Good.


  • She was born in Tokyo, Japan. After graduating from the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Law in 1991, she joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, METI). She earned a Master of Laws (LL.M.) from Duke University and the University of Chicago. At METI, she oversaw competition policy, intellectual property strategy, digitalization and IoT of the manufacturing industry, branding strategy, design policy, and SME policy. Since July 2022, she has been serving as the Deputy Governor of Ishikawa Prefecture. In October of the same year, she also became the CDO of Ishikawa, where she has been responsible for the promotion of digital utilization in cooperation with the prefecture and its 19 cities and towns.

  • Executive Director of the Japan Institute of Design Promotion.

    After joining the current foundation in 1991, he has been in charge of numerous design promotion activities including the Good Design Award, Tokyo Midtown Design Hub, Tokyo Business Design Award, and regional design support.

    He serves as a part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University, Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Kyushu University Graduate School, and Tokai University. He is also a research committee member for the Mainichi Design Award. He writes serial articles on quasi-public concepts for Magazine House's "Kolocal", on regional and business design for the monthly "Business Concept", and on education for the monthly "Advanced Education". He has contributed 46,000 characters on social design for "Jiyujin".

    In April 2023, he co-planned and provided the original concept for the exhibition "Art in Love with Design ♥ Design Jealous of Art" held at the Osaka Nakanoshima Museum of Art.


  • Producer / Concept designer and TV / Radio host based in Tokyo, Japan.

    A Dutch citizen with a unique multi-cultural background, owner of a production company specialized in cross-cultural contents in the field of design, music, fashion, art, technology, and culture. Host of TV shows on Japan Broadcasting Corporation NHK, NHK World, and NHK Educational. Radio presenter and Co-founder of a new online Radio Station WAH Radio launched in December 2020.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

Ishikawa Prefectural Office


公益財団法人 日本デザイン振興会
Japan Institute of Design Promotion


Talk Event <終了>

#3: Talk





  • 高洲堂は輪島の漆器業界を代表する企業のひとつ。創業者の大向貢氏は旧輪島市の市長。



    所在地:〒928-0001 石川県輪島市河井町23部1-41

  • プロダクトデザイナー、クリエイティブディレクター。古美術収集家の祖父の影響で、幼少より人が織りなす文化や歴史に興味を持つ。森林活用から都市環境、伝統工芸から3Dプリンティングなどのアディティブ・マニュファクチャリングまで幅広い分野に精通し、美意識と機能性を融合させたデザインで、国内外でプロジェクトを手掛ける。

    1982 年: 愛知県生まれ。2006 年: 多摩美術大学プロダクトデザイン専攻を卒業、NECデザイン、イワサキデザインスタジオに勤務。2012 年: PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER 設立、「THE株式会社」共同設立。2015 年: 「富士山グラス」が『サン・ティティエンヌ国際デザインビエンナーレ』に招待出品。2018 年: 初個展「鈴木啓太の線: LINE by Keita Suzuki」を柳宗理記念デザイン研究所で開催(同場所では柳宗理氏以外のデザイナーの初の展覧会となる)。2019 年: 『相模鉄道20000系』が『ローレル賞 2019 』を受賞。2020 年: 『ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent』を受賞。

    2015 年〜: グッドデザイン賞審査委員。2015 年〜: 金沢美術工芸大学客員教授。2023 年〜: 東京藝術大学デザイン科講師。2024年〜: 多摩美術大学統合デザイン学科講師。


  • 東京生まれ、オランダ国籍の意識は「世界市民」。

    東京を拠点にプロデューサー兼テレビ・ラジオプレゼンターを勤めながら、文化のクロスカルチャーをテーマにデザイン、音楽、ファッション、アート、テクノロジーにまつわるコンテンツを国境を超えて紹介することがミッション。制作の裏方も行う一方、NHK、NHK国際放送、ETVなどで文化情報番組(エルムンド)、料理番組(きょうの料理)やデザインに特化した長寿番組「DESIGN TALKS PLUS」のメインホストを担当(2023年から名前をリニューアルし「DESIGN x STORIES」)、


    2020年12月には、オンラインラジオ局 WAH RADIOを立ち上げ、日本の文化と価値観を音楽やトークを通して世界の文化とつなげるプロジェクトをスタート。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 8 (Saturday) 18:30 - 19:30 

Gallery Talk

This exhibition, made possible by the generosity of KOSYUDO, features displays of Wajima lacquer works. It explores the "spirit" transmitted by craftsmen and artists within the tradition. Mr. Oomukai luxuriously explains various treasured items, including artisan cups, masterpieces by Isaburo Kado, and exquisite works by the Living National Treasure, Professor Kunie Komori.


  • KOSYUDO is one of the leading companies in the Wajima lacquerware industry. The founder, Mr. Mitsugu Omukai, was the mayor of the former Wajima City.

    The previous representative, Mr. Minoru Omukai, served as the president of the Wajima Chamber of Commerce and Industry from 2001 to 2004 and was a central figure in the economic community of Wajima. As a lacquerware manufacturer, the company was once known for recording the second highest sales in Ishikawa Prefecture, leading the lacquerware industry.

    The current representative, Mr. Masahiro Omukai, is actively involved in promoting Wajima lacquerware, including preserving traditional Wajima lacquering techniques, producing artists who collaborate with Living National Treasures and world-class luxury brands, and fostering young artists.

    Location: 23-1-41 Kai-machi, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture 928-0001
    Contact: 0768 (22) 3777

  • Product Designer, Creative Director. Influenced by his grandfather, a collector of antiquities, he developed an interest in culture and history woven by people from a young age. He is well-versed in a wide range of fields, from forest utilization and urban environments to traditional crafts and additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing. His designs, which merge aesthetics with functionality, have been involved in projects both domestically and internationally.

    1982: Born in Aichi Prefecture. 2006: Graduated from Tama Art University with a major in product design, worked at NEC Design and Iwasaki Design Studio. 2012: Founded PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER and co-founded THE Inc. 2015: "Mount Fuji Glass" was invited to exhibit at the Saint-Étienne International Design Biennale. 2018: Held his first solo exhibition "Keita Suzuki's Lines: LINE by Keita Suzuki" at the Sori Yanagi Memorial Design Institute (the first exhibition by a designer other than Sori Yanagi at the same venue). 2019: "Sagami Railway 20000 Series" won the "Laurel Award 2019". 2020: Received the "ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent".

    From 2015: Jury member of the Good Design Award. From 2015: Visiting Professor at Kanazawa College of Art and Craft. From 2023: Lecturer at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design. From 2024: Lecturer at Tama Art University, Department of Integrated Design.


  • Producer / Concept designer and TV / Radio host based in Tokyo, Japan.

    A Dutch citizen with a unique multi-cultural background, owner of a production company specialized in cross-cultural contents in the field of design, music, fashion, art, technology, and culture. Host of TV shows on Japan Broadcasting Corporation NHK, NHK World, and NHK Educational. Radio presenter and Co-founder of a new online Radio Station WAH Radio launched in December 2020.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities



Product Design Center


Talk Event

#4: Talk





  • 金沢美術工芸大学 デザイン科 インダストリアルデザイン専攻4年

  • 金沢美術工芸大学 デザイン科 インダストリアルデザイン専攻3年

  • 金沢美術工芸大学 デザイン科 インダストリアルデザイン専攻2年

  • ナンシー国立高等美術学校 大学院生

  • ナンシー国立高等美術学校 デザイン専攻


  • 東京生まれ、オランダ国籍の意識は「世界市民」。

    東京を拠点にプロデューサー兼テレビ・ラジオプレゼンターを勤めながら、文化のクロスカルチャーをテーマにデザイン、音楽、ファッション、アート、テクノロジーにまつわるコンテンツを国境を超えて紹介することがミッション。制作の裏方も行う一方、NHK、NHK国際放送、ETVなどで文化情報番組(エルムンド)、料理番組(きょうの料理)やデザインに特化した長寿番組「DESIGN TALKS PLUS」のメインホストを担当(2023年から名前をリニューアルし「DESIGN x STORIES」)、J-WAVE81.3FMではMODAISTA、THREE SIXTY, BLUE PLANETなどを手がけた。

    2020年12月には、オンラインラジオ局 WAH RADIOを立ち上げ、日本の文化と価値観を音楽やトークを通して世界の文化とつなげるプロジェクトをスタート。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 14 (Friday) 17:00 - 18:00

The Global Perspectives of Students

Embracing a global perspective: The future of reconstruction and regional revitalization designed by the next generation


  • Kanazawa College of Art, Department of Design, Industrial Design, 4th year student

  • Kanazawa College of Art, Department of Design, Industrial Design, 3rd year student

  • Kanazawa College of Art, Department of Design, Industrial Design, 2nd year student

  • Graduate student, École nationale supérieure d’art de Nancy

  • École nationale supérieure d’art de Nancy, Design Major


  • Producer / Concept designer and TV / Radio host based in Tokyo, Japan.

    A Dutch citizen with a unique multi-cultural background, owner of a production company specialized in cross-cultural contents in the field of design, music, fashion, art, technology, and culture. Host of TV shows on Japan Broadcasting Corporation NHK, NHK World, and NHK Educational. Radio presenter and Co-founder of a new online Radio Station WAH Radio launched in December 2020.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

Kanazawa College of Art


École nationale supérieure d’art de Nancy


Talk Event

#5: Talk

6月15日(土)14:00 - 15:00




  • デザイナー/金沢美術工芸大学OB

  • デザイナー/金沢美術工芸大学OB

  • デザイナー/金沢美術工芸大学OG


  • 東京生まれ、オランダ国籍の意識は「世界市民」。

    東京を拠点にプロデューサー兼テレビ・ラジオプレゼンターを勤めながら、文化のクロスカルチャーをテーマにデザイン、音楽、ファッション、アート、テクノロジーにまつわるコンテンツを国境を超えて紹介することがミッション。制作の裏方も行う一方、NHK、NHK国際放送、ETVなどで文化情報番組(エルムンド)、料理番組(きょうの料理)やデザインに特化した長寿番組「DESIGN TALKS PLUS」のメインホストを担当(2023年から名前をリニューアルし「DESIGN x STORIES」)、J-WAVE81.3FMではMODAISTA、THREE SIXTY, BLUE PLANETなどを手がけた。

    2020年12月には、オンラインラジオ局 WAH RADIOを立ち上げ、日本の文化と価値観を音楽やトークを通して世界の文化とつなげるプロジェクトをスタート。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 15 (Saturday) 14:00 - 15:00 

Noto in the Venue, Expressed by Young Designers

Young talents from Kanazawa College of Art involved in the venue design: A response to the 'Creative Reconstruction' Plan


  • Designer / Kanazawa College of Art Alumni

  • Designer / Kanazawa College of Art Alumni

  • Designer / Kanazawa College of Art Alumni


  • Producer / Concept designer and TV / Radio host based in Tokyo, Japan.

    A Dutch citizen with a unique multi-cultural background, owner of a production company specialized in cross-cultural contents in the field of design, music, fashion, art, technology, and culture. Host of TV shows on Japan Broadcasting Corporation NHK, NHK World, and NHK Educational. Radio presenter and Co-founder of a new online Radio Station WAH Radio launched in December 2020.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

Kanazawa College of Art


Talk Event

#6: Talk



漆器は扱いが大変? 美しく丈夫でサステナブルな魅力を語りつつ、巷に溢れる誤解を解消!


  • 高洲堂は輪島の漆器業界を代表する企業のひとつ。創業者の大向貢氏は旧輪島市の市長。



    所在地:〒928-0001 石川県輪島市河井町23部1-41

  • プロダクトデザイナー、クリエイティブディレクター。古美術収集家の祖父の影響で、幼少より人が織りなす文化や歴史に興味を持つ。森林活用から都市環境、伝統工芸から3Dプリンティングなどのアディティブ・マニュファクチャリングまで幅広い分野に精通し、美意識と機能性を融合させたデザインで、国内外でプロジェクトを手掛ける。

    1982 年: 愛知県生まれ。2006 年: 多摩美術大学プロダクトデザイン専攻を卒業、NECデザイン、イワサキデザインスタジオに勤務。2012 年: PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER 設立、「THE株式会社」共同設立。2015 年: 「富士山グラス」が『サン・ティティエンヌ国際デザインビエンナーレ』に招待出品。2018 年: 初個展「鈴木啓太の線: LINE by Keita Suzuki」を柳宗理記念デザイン研究所で開催(同場所では柳宗理氏以外のデザイナーの初の展覧会となる)。2019 年: 『相模鉄道20000系』が『ローレル賞 2019 』を受賞。2020 年: 『ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent』を受賞。

    2015 年〜: グッドデザイン賞審査委員。2015 年〜: 金沢美術工芸大学客員教授。2023 年〜: 東京藝術大学デザイン科講師。2024年〜: 多摩美術大学統合デザイン学科講師。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 15 (Saturday) 15:30 - 16:30 

How to Begin Your Days with Wajima Lacquerware

Is lacquerware hard to handle? Unveiling the misconceptions while highlighting its beauty, durability, and sustainable appeal


  • KOSYUDO is one of the leading companies in the Wajima lacquerware industry. The founder, Mr. Mitsugu Omukai, was the mayor of the former Wajima City.

    The previous representative, Mr. Minoru Omukai, served as the president of the Wajima Chamber of Commerce and Industry from 2001 to 2004 and was a central figure in the economic community of Wajima. As a lacquerware manufacturer, the company was once known for recording the second highest sales in Ishikawa Prefecture, leading the lacquerware industry.

    The current representative, Mr. Masahiro Omukai, is actively involved in promoting Wajima lacquerware, including preserving traditional Wajima lacquering techniques, producing artists who collaborate with Living National Treasures and world-class luxury brands, and fostering young artists.

    Location: 23-1-41 Kai-machi, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture 928-0001
    Contact: 0768 (22) 3777

  • Product Designer, Creative Director. Influenced by his grandfather, a collector of antiquities, he developed an interest in culture and history woven by people from a young age. He is well-versed in a wide range of fields, from forest utilization and urban environments to traditional crafts and additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing. His designs, which merge aesthetics with functionality, have been involved in projects both domestically and internationally.

    1982: Born in Aichi Prefecture. 2006: Graduated from Tama Art University with a major in product design, worked at NEC Design and Iwasaki Design Studio. 2012: Founded PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER and co-founded THE Inc. 2015: "Mount Fuji Glass" was invited to exhibit at the Saint-Étienne International Design Biennale. 2018: Held his first solo exhibition "Keita Suzuki's Lines: LINE by Keita Suzuki" at the Sori Yanagi Memorial Design Institute (the first exhibition by a designer other than Sori Yanagi at the same venue). 2019: "Sagami Railway 20000 Series" won the "Laurel Award 2019". 2020: Received the "ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent".

    From 2015: Jury member of the Good Design Award. From 2015: Visiting Professor at Kanazawa College of Art and Craft. From 2023: Lecturer at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design. From 2024: Lecturer at Tama Art University, Department of Integrated Design.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

Kosyudo Co.


Product Design Center


Talk Event

#7: Talk



発信と継承は両立できるか? 文化遺産と観光の相関関係 地域経済の要として、また文化発信の窓として、非常に重要な役割をもつ観光業。しかし自然災害によって影響を受けやすいという側面も。これからの日本を支え、発展させる持続可能な観光について伺う。


  • 1952年静岡県生まれ。1971年に渡仏し、パリ第1(パンテオン・ソルボンヌ)大学卒業。その後、フランス三越株式会社に入社し、在職中に日本のデザイングッズを扱うパリのセレクトショップ「SHIZUKA」を企画運営。1992年、エルメス・インターナショナルに入社し、1998年エルメスジャポン代表取締役社長に就任。同社をエルス最大の海外支社へと成長させ、2008年〜2015年までエルメスパリ本社副社長に就任。現在はシーナリーインターナショナル代表であり、パリの「アトリエ・ブランマント」総合ディレクターを務める。

  • 東京生まれ。1979年慶應義塾大学卒業、同年 伊勢丹入社。

    三越 常務執行役員MD統括部長、伊勢丹 常務執行役員等を経て、2012年三越伊勢丹ホールディングス代表取締役社長執行役員、三越伊勢丹 代表取締役社長執行役員に就任。

    2018年6月より、日本空港ビルデング 取締役副社長執行役員、同年7月より羽田未来総合研究所 代表取締役社長(兼任)。

  • 輪島「ねぶた温泉 海游 能登の庄」専務


  • 東京生まれ、オランダ国籍の意識は「世界市民」。

    東京を拠点にプロデューサー兼テレビ・ラジオプレゼンターを勤めながら、文化のクロスカルチャーをテーマにデザイン、音楽、ファッション、アート、テクノロジーにまつわるコンテンツを国境を超えて紹介することがミッション。制作の裏方も行う一方、NHK、NHK国際放送、ETVなどで文化情報番組(エルムンド)、料理番組(きょうの料理)やデザインに特化した長寿番組「DESIGN TALKS PLUS」のメインホストを担当(2023年から名前をリニューアルし「DESIGN x STORIES」)、


    2020年12月には、オンラインラジオ局 WAH RADIOを立ち上げ、日本の文化と価値観を音楽やトークを通して世界の文化とつなげるプロジェクトをスタート。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 15 (Saturday) 17:30 - 18:30 

Culture and Tourism

Can Transmission and Succession Coexist? The Correlation between Cultural Heritage and Tourism. Tourism plays a crucial role as a pillar of regional economies and a window for cultural dissemination. However, it is also vulnerable to natural disasters. We will discuss sustainable tourism that can support and develop Japan in the future.


  • Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1952. Moved to France in 1971 and graduated from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. Afterwards, joined Mitsukoshi France, where he planned and operated a Parisian select shop "SHIZUKA" that handled Japanese design goods. In 1992, he joined Hermès International and became the President and CEO of Hermès Japan in 1998, growing the company into Hermès' largest overseas subsidiary. From 2008 to 2015, he served as the Vice President at Hermès Paris headquarters. Currently, he is the Representative of Scenery International and serves as the General Director of 'Atelier Blancmange' in Paris.

  • Born in Tokyo. Graduated from Keio University in 1979 and joined Isetan the same year. After serving as the Managing Executive Officer and Director of the MD Division at Mitsukoshi, and Managing Executive Officer at Isetan, he became the President and CEO of Mitsukoshi Isetan Holdings and the President and CEO of Mitsukoshi Isetan in 2012. From June 2018, he has been the Executive Vice President and Director of Japan Airport Terminal Co., Ltd., and from July 2018, he also serves as the concurrent President and CEO of Haneda Future Research Institute.

  • Managing Director of Wajima Nebuta Onsen Kaiyu Noto no Sho


  • Producer / Concept designer and TV / Radio host based in Tokyo, Japan.

    A Dutch citizen with a unique multi-cultural background, owner of a production company specialized in cross-cultural contents in the field of design, music, fashion, art, technology, and culture. Host of TV shows on Japan Broadcasting Corporation NHK, NHK World, and NHK Educational. Radio presenter and Co-founder of a new online Radio Station WAH Radio launched in December 2020.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

ねぶた温泉 海游 能登の庄
Nebuta Onsen Kaiyu Noto no Sho


Talk Event

#8: Talk





  • 輪島キリモト 7代目

  • プロダクトデザイナー、クリエイティブディレクター。古美術収集家の祖父の影響で、幼少より人が織りなす文化や歴史に興味を持つ。森林活用から都市環境、伝統工芸から3Dプリンティングなどのアディティブ・マニュファクチャリングまで幅広い分野に精通し、美意識と機能性を融合させたデザインで、国内外でプロジェクトを手掛ける。

    1982 年: 愛知県生まれ。2006 年: 多摩美術大学プロダクトデザイン専攻を卒業、NECデザイン、イワサキデザインスタジオに勤務。2012 年: PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER 設立、「THE株式会社」共同設立。2015 年: 「富士山グラス」が『サン・ティティエンヌ国際デザインビエンナーレ』に招待出品。2018 年: 初個展「鈴木啓太の線: LINE by Keita Suzuki」を柳宗理記念デザイン研究所で開催(同場所では柳宗理氏以外のデザイナーの初の展覧会となる)。2019 年: 『相模鉄道20000系』が『ローレル賞 2019 』を受賞。2020 年: 『ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent』を受賞。

    2015 年〜: グッドデザイン賞審査委員。2015 年〜: 金沢美術工芸大学客員教授。2023 年〜: 東京藝術大学デザイン科講師。2024年〜: 多摩美術大学統合デザイン学科講師。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 16 (Sunday) 11:30 - 12:30 

The Potential of Wajima Lacquerware

What is the background of the temporary workshop construction by artisans? Envisioning the future of craft regions


  • Representative of Wajima Kirimoto, Wajima Lacquerware Artisan

  • Product Designer, Creative Director. Influenced by his grandfather, a collector of antiquities, he developed an interest in culture and history woven by people from a young age. He is well-versed in a wide range of fields, from forest utilization and urban environments to traditional crafts and additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing. His designs, which merge aesthetics with functionality, have been involved in projects both domestically and internationally.

    1982: Born in Aichi Prefecture. 2006: Graduated from Tama Art University with a major in product design, worked at NEC Design and Iwasaki Design Studio. 2012: Founded PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER and co-founded THE Inc. 2015: "Mount Fuji Glass" was invited to exhibit at the Saint-Étienne International Design Biennale. 2018: Held his first solo exhibition "Keita Suzuki's Lines: LINE by Keita Suzuki" at the Sori Yanagi Memorial Design Institute (the first exhibition by a designer other than Sori Yanagi at the same venue). 2019: "Sagami Railway 20000 Series" won the "Laurel Award 2019". 2020: Received the "ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent".

    From 2015: Jury member of the Good Design Award. From 2015: Visiting Professor at Kanazawa College of Art and Craft. From 2023: Lecturer at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design. From 2024: Lecturer at Tama Art University, Department of Integrated Design.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

Wajima Kirimoto


Product Design Center


Talk Event

#9: Talk





  • 高洲堂は輪島の漆器業界を代表する企業のひとつ。創業者の大向貢氏は旧輪島市の市長。



    所在地:〒928-0001 石川県輪島市河井町23部1-41

  • 丸橋企画株式会社代表/「九谷焼・陶芸の粋」展企画


  • 東京生まれ、オランダ国籍の意識は「世界市民」。

    東京を拠点にプロデューサー兼テレビ・ラジオプレゼンターを勤めながら、文化のクロスカルチャーをテーマにデザイン、音楽、ファッション、アート、テクノロジーにまつわるコンテンツを国境を超えて紹介することがミッション。制作の裏方も行う一方、NHK、NHK国際放送、ETVなどで文化情報番組(エルムンド)、料理番組(きょうの料理)やデザインに特化した長寿番組「DESIGN TALKS PLUS」のメインホストを担当(2023年から名前をリニューアルし「DESIGN x STORIES」)、


    2020年12月には、オンラインラジオ局 WAH RADIOを立ち上げ、日本の文化と価値観を音楽やトークを通して世界の文化とつなげるプロジェクトをスタート。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 16 (Sunday) 16:30 - 17:30 

The Inheritance and Development of Crafts

Exploring the future of the craft kingdom, through the perspectives of Wajima lacquerware and Kutani porcelain.


  • KOSYUDO is one of the leading companies in the Wajima lacquerware industry. The founder, Mr. Mitsugu Omukai, was the mayor of the former Wajima City.

    The previous representative, Mr. Minoru Omukai, served as the president of the Wajima Chamber of Commerce and Industry from 2001 to 2004 and was a central figure in the economic community of Wajima. As a lacquerware manufacturer, the company was once known for recording the second highest sales in Ishikawa Prefecture, leading the lacquerware industry.

    The current representative, Mr. Masahiro Omukai, is actively involved in promoting Wajima lacquerware, including preserving traditional Wajima lacquering techniques, producing artists who collaborate with Living National Treasures and world-class luxury brands, and fostering young artists.

    Location: 23-1-41 Kai-machi, Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture 928-0001
    Contact: 0768 (22) 3777

  • Maruhashi Planning Co., Ltd. / Organizer of 'The Essence of Kutani Ware' Exhibition


  • Producer / Concept designer and TV / Radio host based in Tokyo, Japan.

    A Dutch citizen with a unique multi-cultural background, owner of a production company specialized in cross-cultural contents in the field of design, music, fashion, art, technology, and culture. Host of TV shows on Japan Broadcasting Corporation NHK, NHK World, and NHK Educational. Radio presenter and Co-founder of a new online Radio Station WAH Radio launched in December 2020.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

Kosyudo Co.


Talk Event

#10: Talk





  • 輪島市在住医師「ごちゃまるクリニック」代表

  • 株式会社アブストラクトエンジン代表取締役、Tokyo Creative Salon 2024統括クリエイティブ ディレクター、2024年度グッドデザイン賞審査委員長

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 22 (Saturday) 11:30 - 12:30 

Environmental Design for Revival

About 6 Months After the Earthquake: The Medical Frontline to Prevent Disaster-Related Deaths


  • Doctor,Representative of "Gochamaru Clinic" in Wajima City

  • Representative Director of Abstract Engine Inc., Executive Creative Director of Tokyo Creative Salon 2024, Chairperson of the 2024 Good Design Award Jury

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

Gochamaru Clinic


Talk Event

#11: Talk





  • 30年間、北國新聞の記者として活動。その後金沢市から輪島市へ移住し、2010年に能登にフォーカスした季刊『能登』を創刊。 企画から取材、執筆までほぼ一人で行いながら、能登の風土や暮らしを伝えてきた。 能登半島震災後初となる第55号は、2024年5月20日に刊行。

  • 江ノ浦測候所甘橘山美術館開設準備室長。金沢工業大学客員教授。日本美術・現代美術を中心にキュレーションや執筆、ゲーム監修など幅広く活動する。

  • プロダクトデザイナー、クリエイティブディレクター。古美術収集家の祖父の影響で、幼少より人が織りなす文化や歴史に興味を持つ。森林活用から都市環境、伝統工芸から3Dプリンティングなどのアディティブ・マニュファクチャリングまで幅広い分野に精通し、美意識と機能性を融合させたデザインで、国内外でプロジェクトを手掛ける。

    1982 年: 愛知県生まれ。2006 年: 多摩美術大学プロダクトデザイン専攻を卒業、NECデザイン、イワサキデザインスタジオに勤務。2012 年: PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER 設立、「THE株式会社」共同設立。2015 年: 「富士山グラス」が『サン・ティティエンヌ国際デザインビエンナーレ』に招待出品。2018 年: 初個展「鈴木啓太の線: LINE by Keita Suzuki」を柳宗理記念デザイン研究所で開催(同場所では柳宗理氏以外のデザイナーの初の展覧会となる)。2019 年: 『相模鉄道20000系』が『ローレル賞 2019 』を受賞。2020 年: 『ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent』を受賞。

    2015 年〜: グッドデザイン賞審査委員。2015 年〜: 金沢美術工芸大学客員教授。2023 年〜: 東京藝術大学デザイン科講師。2024年〜: 多摩美術大学統合デザイン学科講師。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 22 (Saturday) 14:30 - 15:30 

Telling about Post-Earthquake Noto

Why and What to Tell Now: Perspectives of Two Editors Focusing on Noto Life and Beauty


  • Worked as a journalist for The Hokkoku Shimbun for 30 years. After relocating from Kanazawa City to Wajima City, founded the quarterly magazine "Noto" in 2010, which focuses on the Noto region. Almost single-handedly handled everything from planning and interviews to writing, conveying the culture and lifestyle of Noto. The 55th issue, the first since the Noto Peninsula earthquake, was published on May 20, 2024.

  • Director of the Enoura Observatory Kankitsuzan Art Museum Preparation Office. Visiting professor at Kanazawa Institute of Technology. Actively involved in curating and writing, focusing on Japanese and contemporary art, as well as supervising games and other diverse activities.

  • Product Designer, Creative Director. Influenced by his grandfather, a collector of antiquities, he developed an interest in culture and history woven by people from a young age. He is well-versed in a wide range of fields, from forest utilization and urban environments to traditional crafts and additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing. His designs, which merge aesthetics with functionality, have been involved in projects both domestically and internationally.

    1982: Born in Aichi Prefecture. 2006: Graduated from Tama Art University with a major in product design, worked at NEC Design and Iwasaki Design Studio. 2012: Founded PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER and co-founded THE Inc. 2015: "Mount Fuji Glass" was invited to exhibit at the Saint-Étienne International Design Biennale. 2018: Held his first solo exhibition "Keita Suzuki's Lines: LINE by Keita Suzuki" at the Sori Yanagi Memorial Design Institute (the first exhibition by a designer other than Sori Yanagi at the same venue). 2019: "Sagami Railway 20000 Series" won the "Laurel Award 2019". 2020: Received the "ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent".

    From 2015: Jury member of the Good Design Award. From 2015: Visiting Professor at Kanazawa College of Art and Craft. From 2023: Lecturer at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design. From 2024: Lecturer at Tama Art University, Department of Integrated Design.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Talk Event

#12: Talk





  • 社会福祉法人「佛子園」が手がける「輪島カブーレ」施設長

  • 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 常務理事 。




  • プロダクトデザイナー、クリエイティブディレクター。古美術収集家の祖父の影響で、幼少より人が織りなす文化や歴史に興味を持つ。森林活用から都市環境、伝統工芸から3Dプリンティングなどのアディティブ・マニュファクチャリングまで幅広い分野に精通し、美意識と機能性を融合させたデザインで、国内外でプロジェクトを手掛ける。

    1982 年: 愛知県生まれ。2006 年: 多摩美術大学プロダクトデザイン専攻を卒業、NECデザイン、イワサキデザインスタジオに勤務。2012 年: PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER 設立、「THE株式会社」共同設立。2015 年: 「富士山グラス」が『サン・ティティエンヌ国際デザインビエンナーレ』に招待出品。2018 年: 初個展「鈴木啓太の線: LINE by Keita Suzuki」を柳宗理記念デザイン研究所で開催(同場所では柳宗理氏以外のデザイナーの初の展覧会となる)。2019 年: 『相模鉄道20000系』が『ローレル賞 2019 』を受賞。2020 年: 『ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent』を受賞。

    2015 年〜: グッドデザイン賞審査委員。2015 年〜: 金沢美術工芸大学客員教授。2023 年〜: 東京藝術大学デザイン科講師。2024年〜: 多摩美術大学統合デザイン学科講師。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 22 (Saturday) 17:00 - 18:00 

Social Issues and Design

Harnessing Local Power: The Movement Driving Oku-Noto Forward


  • Director of Wajima Kabulet

  • Executive Director of the Japan Institute of Design Promotion.

    After joining the current foundation in 1991, he has been in charge of numerous design promotion activities including the Good Design Award, Tokyo Midtown Design Hub, Tokyo Business Design Award, and regional design support.

    He serves as a part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University, Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Kyushu University Graduate School, and Tokai University. He is also a research committee member for the Mainichi Design Award. He writes serial articles on quasi-public concepts for Magazine House's "Kolocal", on regional and business design for the monthly "Business Concept", and on education for the monthly "Advanced Education". He has contributed 46,000 characters on social design for "Jiyujin".

    In April 2023, he co-planned and provided the original concept for the exhibition "Art in Love with Design ♥ Design Jealous of Art" held at the Osaka Nakanoshima Museum of Art.

  • Product Designer, Creative Director. Influenced by his grandfather, a collector of antiquities, he developed an interest in culture and history woven by people from a young age. He is well-versed in a wide range of fields, from forest utilization and urban environments to traditional crafts and additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing. His designs, which merge aesthetics with functionality, have been involved in projects both domestically and internationally.

    1982: Born in Aichi Prefecture. 2006: Graduated from Tama Art University with a major in product design, worked at NEC Design and Iwasaki Design Studio. 2012: Founded PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER and co-founded THE Inc. 2015: "Mount Fuji Glass" was invited to exhibit at the Saint-Étienne International Design Biennale. 2018: Held his first solo exhibition "Keita Suzuki's Lines: LINE by Keita Suzuki" at the Sori Yanagi Memorial Design Institute (the first exhibition by a designer other than Sori Yanagi at the same venue). 2019: "Sagami Railway 20000 Series" won the "Laurel Award 2019". 2020: Received the "ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent".

    From 2015: Jury member of the Good Design Award. From 2015: Visiting Professor at Kanazawa College of Art and Craft. From 2023: Lecturer at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design. From 2024: Lecturer at Tama Art University, Department of Integrated Design.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

Wajima Kabulet


Talk Event

#13: Talk



何を守り何を変える? 現地だからこそ創れる職人とデザイナーのコラボ


  • 1983年 岐阜県可児市生まれ。

    資本主義経済によって加速した価値の異常な消費サイクルに疑問を抱き、手にした人の心を動かす持続的な価値を目指したものづくりをカタチにするため2013年食とものづくりの街金沢にてsecca inc.を設立。



  • ジャーナリスト・コンサルタント。デジタルテクノロジーが生活や社会をどう変えるかを1990年から取材。現在は「22世紀に残すべき価値」を基軸に技術だけではなく伝統文化やコンテンポラリーアートも取材。『iPadショック』、『ジョブズは何も発明せずにすべてを生み出した』など著書多数。James Dyson 財団理事や株式会社リボルバー社外取締役、多彩なソーシャルメディアで情報発信するソーシャルインフルエンサーの顔も。

  • プロダクトデザイナー、クリエイティブディレクター。古美術収集家の祖父の影響で、幼少より人が織りなす文化や歴史に興味を持つ。森林活用から都市環境、伝統工芸から3Dプリンティングなどのアディティブ・マニュファクチャリングまで幅広い分野に精通し、美意識と機能性を融合させたデザインで、国内外でプロジェクトを手掛ける。

    1982 年: 愛知県生まれ。2006 年: 多摩美術大学プロダクトデザイン専攻を卒業、NECデザイン、イワサキデザインスタジオに勤務。2012 年: PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER 設立、「THE株式会社」共同設立。2015 年: 「富士山グラス」が『サン・ティティエンヌ国際デザインビエンナーレ』に招待出品。2018 年: 初個展「鈴木啓太の線: LINE by Keita Suzuki」を柳宗理記念デザイン研究所で開催(同場所では柳宗理氏以外のデザイナーの初の展覧会となる)。2019 年: 『相模鉄道20000系』が『ローレル賞 2019 』を受賞。2020 年: 『ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent』を受賞。

    2015 年〜: グッドデザイン賞審査委員。2015 年〜: 金沢美術工芸大学客員教授。2023 年〜: 東京藝術大学デザイン科講師。2024年〜: 多摩美術大学統合デザイン学科講師。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 22 (Saturday) 18:30 - 19:30 

The Next Craft from Ishikawa Prefecture

What to Preserve and What to Change? A Collaboration Between Local Artisans and Designers That Can Only Be Created On-Site


  • Born in 1983 in Kani City, Gifu.

    Questioning the abnormal consumption cycle of value accelerated by the capitalist economy, he established secca inc. in 2013.

    At secca, he aims to create new value by identifying future questions from his unique perspective and creating new products and experiences that respond to those questions.

    Currently, he is mainly responsible for creating the concept for each work while promoting secca’s unique management.

  • Hayashi is a freelance journalist/consultant covering the social impact of digital technology since 1990. More recently, his focus has been on seeking cultural value worth inheriting toward the 21st Century and started covering traditional culture and contemporary art. He is also known as the author of more than a dozen Japanese books, director of James Dyson Foundation in Japan, external director of Revolver, Inc., and a social media influencer.

  • Product Designer, Creative Director. Influenced by his grandfather, a collector of antiquities, he developed an interest in culture and history woven by people from a young age. He is well-versed in a wide range of fields, from forest utilization and urban environments to traditional crafts and additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing. His designs, which merge aesthetics with functionality, have been involved in projects both domestically and internationally.

    1982: Born in Aichi Prefecture. 2006: Graduated from Tama Art University with a major in product design, worked at NEC Design and Iwasaki Design Studio. 2012: Founded PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER and co-founded THE Inc. 2015: "Mount Fuji Glass" was invited to exhibit at the Saint-Étienne International Design Biennale. 2018: Held his first solo exhibition "Keita Suzuki's Lines: LINE by Keita Suzuki" at the Sori Yanagi Memorial Design Institute (the first exhibition by a designer other than Sori Yanagi at the same venue). 2019: "Sagami Railway 20000 Series" won the "Laurel Award 2019". 2020: Received the "ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent".

    From 2015: Jury member of the Good Design Award. From 2015: Visiting Professor at Kanazawa College of Art and Craft. From 2023: Lecturer at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design. From 2024: Lecturer at Tama Art University, Department of Integrated Design.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

株式会社 雪花
secca inc.


Talk Event

#14: Talk





  • 写真家(石川県出身)

  • プロダクトデザイナー、クリエイティブディレクター。古美術収集家の祖父の影響で、幼少より人が織りなす文化や歴史に興味を持つ。森林活用から都市環境、伝統工芸から3Dプリンティングなどのアディティブ・マニュファクチャリングまで幅広い分野に精通し、美意識と機能性を融合させたデザインで、国内外でプロジェクトを手掛ける。

    1982 年: 愛知県生まれ。2006 年: 多摩美術大学プロダクトデザイン専攻を卒業、NECデザイン、イワサキデザインスタジオに勤務。2012 年: PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER 設立、「THE株式会社」共同設立。2015 年: 「富士山グラス」が『サン・ティティエンヌ国際デザインビエンナーレ』に招待出品。2018 年: 初個展「鈴木啓太の線: LINE by Keita Suzuki」を柳宗理記念デザイン研究所で開催(同場所では柳宗理氏以外のデザイナーの初の展覧会となる)。2019 年: 『相模鉄道20000系』が『ローレル賞 2019 』を受賞。2020 年: 『ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent』を受賞。

    2015 年〜: グッドデザイン賞審査委員。2015 年〜: 金沢美術工芸大学客員教授。2023 年〜: 東京藝術大学デザイン科講師。2024年〜: 多摩美術大学統合デザイン学科講師。

会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 23 (Sunday) 14:30 - 15:30 

Art and Reconstruction

Remembering Memories and Struggles: The Potential of Art to Connect People


  • Photographer

  • Product Designer, Creative Director. Influenced by his grandfather, a collector of antiquities, he developed an interest in culture and history woven by people from a young age. He is well-versed in a wide range of fields, from forest utilization and urban environments to traditional crafts and additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing. His designs, which merge aesthetics with functionality, have been involved in projects both domestically and internationally.

    1982: Born in Aichi Prefecture. 2006: Graduated from Tama Art University with a major in product design, worked at NEC Design and Iwasaki Design Studio. 2012: Founded PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER and co-founded THE Inc. 2015: "Mount Fuji Glass" was invited to exhibit at the Saint-Étienne International Design Biennale. 2018: Held his first solo exhibition "Keita Suzuki's Lines: LINE by Keita Suzuki" at the Sori Yanagi Memorial Design Institute (the first exhibition by a designer other than Sori Yanagi at the same venue). 2019: "Sagami Railway 20000 Series" won the "Laurel Award 2019". 2020: Received the "ELLE DECO International Design Awards: Young Japanese Design Talent".

    From 2015: Jury member of the Good Design Award. From 2015: Visiting Professor at Kanazawa College of Art and Craft. From 2023: Lecturer at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Design. From 2024: Lecturer at Tama Art University, Department of Integrated Design.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Talk Event

#15: Talk





  • 株式会社百笑の暮らし代表取締役

  • TVプロデューサー、株式会社Days代表取締役、一般社団法人FUKKO DESIGN代表理事

  • 公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 常務理事 。




会場:GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
住所:東京都千代田区丸の内3-4-1 新国際ビル1F

June 26 (Wednesday) 18:00 - 19:00 

World Agricultural Heritage and Community

What the Connection Between People and Nature Can Do for the Future of Noto


  • Representative Director of Hyakusho no Kurashi Co., Ltd.

  • TV Producer, Representative Director of Days Co., Ltd., Representative Director of FUKKO DESIGN General Incorporated Association

  • Executive Director of the Japan Institute of Design Promotion.

    After joining the current foundation in 1991, he has been in charge of numerous design promotion activities including the Good Design Award, Tokyo Midtown Design Hub, Tokyo Business Design Award, and regional design support.

    He serves as a part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University, Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Kyushu University Graduate School, and Tokai University. He is also a research committee member for the Mainichi Design Award. He writes serial articles on quasi-public concepts for Magazine House's "Kolocal", on regional and business design for the monthly "Business Concept", and on education for the monthly "Advanced Education". He has contributed 46,000 characters on social design for "Jiyujin".

    In April 2023, he co-planned and provided the original concept for the exhibition "Art in Love with Design ♥ Design Jealous of Art" held at the Osaka Nakanoshima Museum of Art.

Venue: GOOD DESIGN Marunouchi Google Map
Address: 1F Shin-Kokusai Building, 3-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free

Locations of Related Facilities

株式会社 百笑の暮らし
Hyakusho no Kurashi Co., Ltd.